Building A Collaborative Georgia.
Impact Reports
We are building a statewide coalition of trauma-informed organizations by convening child-facing providers to build a stronger, more resilient Georgia.
In April 2019, we hosted our first Resilient Georgia two-day Strategic Planning Meeting and developed a strategic map for our first three years (2019 to 2022). Sustaining our organization and movement statewide was a key priority in our 2019-2022 Strategic Map. It remains so in our 2023-2025 Strategic Map, which we refreshed in late 2022. Read our 2019-2020, 2020-2021, and 2022-2023 reports to see our progress and how we are making an impact statewide.
To learn more about our regional impact, please read the annual reports posted on our regional coalition webpages.
The Case for ACEs Prevention
Resilient Georgia is dedicated to healing adversity and promoting resilience in children and families through the prevention and early intervention of Adverse Childhood Events (ACEs) and sharing best practices to support Georgia’s System-of-Care implementation and coordination. In this brief, we make a compelling evidence-based 'Case for ACEs Prevention' and an urgent call to action to invest in building resilience now – early intervention is more effective, less expensive, and imperative to averting the next pandemic: mental and behavioral health. English and additional languages are available. We would like our partners to use this brief widely as a communications tool in their communities and would like to offer the opportunity to co-brand this document - please contact us for more information.
The Community Resiliency Model (CRM)
Community Resiliency Model (CRM), developed by the Trauma Resource Institute in Claremont, California, introduces a paradigm shift in how individuals understand their own responses to stress and trauma. The wellness skills are excellent for self-care and help to expand resiliency over time while also mitigating uncomfortable somatic symptoms such as pain, upset stomach or headaches. CRM includes six wellness skills: Tracking, Resourcing, Grounding, Gesturing, Help Now!, and Shift and Stay. Each skill offers a portal to sense into our nervous system and regulate our emotions during challenging moments.
Connections Matter
Every day connections are more important than we ever believed. Science tells us that relationships have the power to shape our brains. Relationships help us learn better, work better, parent better. When we experience tough times, they help us heal. With each connection, we develop a healthier stronger community. Connections Matter is an in-person and virtual training designed to engage community members in building caring connections to improve resilience, prevent childhood trauma, and understand how our interactions with others can support those who have experienced trauma.
Mental Health Parity
The Mental Health Parity Bill (HB 1013) was successfully passed in March 2022 with bipartisan support. In response to this bill, insurance companies must treat mental health and substance abuse disorders in the same way they treat physical health conditions. In simple terms, it's about making sure people get fair access to mental health care through their insurance, without facing discrimination or higher costs compared to physical health care. Patients can no longer be denied medically necessary treatment for mental health conditions. Employers, regardless of their plan type or size, are legally obligated to ensure parity in health benefit plans. Self-insured non-Federal governmental plans with less than 50 employees and small private employers with less than 50 employees are exempt from parity regulations. However, smaller corporations and businesses have a powerful position to play to ensure the Mental Health Parity Act is implemented effectively. This one-pager is a call to action for employers to ensure Parity and shares resources on how to ensure compliance. We would like our partners to use this one-pager widely as a communications tool in their communities and would like to offer the opportunity to co-brand this document - please contact us for more information.
Mindful Self Compassion​
Mindful-Self Compassion (MSC) is an evidence-based program focused on building resilience and enhancing emotional wellbeing. It was developed by Christopher K. Germer, PhD, leader in the integration of mindfulness and psychotherapy, and Kristin Neff, PhD, pioneering researcher in the field of self-compassion. MSC combines the skills of mindfulness and self-compassion, providing a powerful tool for emotional resilience. Mindfulness is the first step in emotional healing—being able to turn toward and acknowledge our difficult thoughts and feelings (such as inadequacy, sadness, anger, confusion) with a spirit of openness and curiosity. Self-compassion involves responding to these difficult thoughts and feelings with kindness, sympathy and understanding so that we soothe and comfort ourselves when we’re hurting. Research has shown that self-compassion greatly enhances emotional wellbeing. It boosts happiness, reduces anxiety and depression, and can even help maintain healthy lifestyle habits such as diet and exercise. Being both mindful and compassionate leads to greater ease and well-being in our daily lives.
Select Mental Health ​Data from GA Student Health Source
The Georgia Student Health Survey (GSHS) is an anonymous, statewide survey instrument created by the Georgia Department of Education in collaboration with other state partners. The GSHS is administered online each year to students in grades 3-12. Middle and high school students (grades 6-12) participate in the standard survey and elemetary students (grades 3-5) participate in an abbreviated survey. Survey results assist in the identification of safety, climate, and health issues that impact student achievement and help guide school prevention and intervention strategies (GaDOE website). The attached brief highlights several mental and behavioral health questions from school year 2022-2023.
We're creating guides to help organizations and community partners move toward becoming a more resilient Georgia.
Resiliency Zones Guide for Infant and Early Care Settings
Resiliency Zones create a safe space for both students and staff. They bolster infant and early childhood mental health, promote self-regulation and mindfulness and include age-appropriate calming resources. This guide was created for Early Care centers across the state of Georgia serving children ages 0-5 years old. It offers early care educators the tools and resources to develop a Resiliency Zone in their schools, daycares, early care centers, or anywhere else they see fit. Available to download in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Regional Child and Family Behavioral Health Resource Guides
These resource guides include child and family behavioral health state and local resources with service descriptions and contact information for the counties served by our regional coalitions. This document is meant to serve, inform & assist regional coalition’s partners, community members & local stakeholders. This resource guide has been co-produced by Resilient Georgia and each of our Regional Coalitions.​
State Scan Chapter 1 : TIC/ACEs Publications
This Literature Review includes ACEs related peer reviewed publications from 1998 to March 2020 with at least one (or more) author working at a Georgia University/Organization at the time of the study. Despite our best efforts to be comprehensive, we recognize that our search approach may have inadvertently missed some relevant publications. This Literature Review is a living document and we welcome all suggested additions. Please contact us to provide suggestions.
State Scan Chapter 2 : Regional Focus
In this Georgia statewide landscape scan, we evaluated ACEs & Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) related efforts across various sectors, including: Community & Faith-Based, Local & Regional Coalitions, School & College Based, Out of School, Public Agencies & State Departments. When evaluating these efforts, we always began by asking, "Does this effort explicitly refer to ACEs, TIC and/or Toxic Stress & does it have services directly related?" If so, we proceeded to collect answers to our evaluation questions from multiple sources. Our statewide landscape scan across sectors is a living document and we welcome all suggested additions. Please contact us - we would love to highlight and share your work.
State Scan Chapter 3: Trauma-informed Training
Resilient Georgia, in partnership with Georgia State University Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, School of Social Work, Professional Excellence Program Child Welfare Training Collaborative, conducted a widespread trauma training inventory in March-April 2020 to begin to assess assets across the behavioral health continuum in Georgia. Resilient Georgia’s Education and Training Committee worked diligently with our partners to develop a Trauma Informed Training Road Map that highlights and promotes the myriad trainings being implemented across the state to create a trauma informed Georgia.
National Scan Chapter 1: Trauma-informed Care and ACEs Prevention Efforts
Shortly after Resilient Georgia was founded in April 2019, our Board of Directors convened a Strategic Planning session which allowed us to identify our No. 1 priority–to learn from our peers. The stakeholders and partners at the table identified that, to be truly successful, Resilient Georgia needed to first look at what other states were doing–and how they were doing it. After many calls, internet searches and conversations, we completed the National Landscape Scan of Trauma Informed Care and Adverse Childhood Experience Prevention efforts.
National Scan Chapter 2: ACEs-Related Data from National Surveys
Compiling data sources of ACEs statistics is critical to identify gaps in ACEs research in the US and Georgia. There is a lack of consistent data on ACE statistics. We assimilated available data sources and summarized quality dimensions from the most current datasets or surveys that collect information on ACEs. This data collection will allow organizations committed to eradicate ACEs to identify available data on ACEs, gaps in ACEs data in the US and Georgia and aid in the development of performance metrics for Resilient Georgia to monitor over time.
National Scan Chapter 3: National Landscape Scan of Integrated Behavioral Health
Integrated behavioral health in pediatric primary care provides an exciting opportunity to improve access to timely and quality care for youth experiencing mental and behavioral health concerns. This report describes what integrated behavioral health is, why it is needed, how it can be delivered, and best practices for program development and implementation. A literature search on integrated behavioral health programs in the United States from 2012 to April 2022 was conducted and serves as the foundation for the findings in this report. Despite our best efforts to be comprehensive, we recognize that our search approach may have inadvertently missed some relevant publications. This literature review is a living document and we welcome all suggested additions.
National Scan Chapter 4: National Landscape Scan of TIC/ACEs Evaluation Efforts
Building on the National Scan Chapter 1: Trauma-informed Care and ACEs Prevention Efforts, this chapter investigates evaluation efforts of the highest rated state-wide initiatives that aim to deliver Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) and prevent or reduce Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). The purpose of this investigation was to learn from our peers, assess best practices of Collective Impact evaluation efforts of similar initiatives, and to build upon evaluation methods to support Resilient Georgia’s efforts across the state of Georgia. This document may not be all inclusive of the ongoing evaluation efforts of similar Collective Impact initiatives. Please contact us to suggest additions/edits.